Fabulously Fit Forever (eBook)



Fabulously Fit Forever is a detailed instructional exercise guide for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. But is more than a book about lifting weights, stretching, and aerobics. Frank gives intimate details of his personal struggles which led him into an exploration of mind/body visualization, and deep relaxation techniques along with sensible nutrition to slow down the aging process, improve sleep, prevent and heal injuries, and enhance sexuality.

Fabulously Fit Forever is currently out of print, but digital eBook versions of the book are available on this site and also through Amazon and Barnes and Noble here:


“At age 50, Frank Zane, in the best shape of anyone his age, has written a profound, pioneering book. Fabulously Fit Forever takes bodybuilding into the mainstream of the human potential movement and speaks to people’s widespread hunger for growth to a higher level of being. Zane demonstrates that the body is the temple of the spirit and distills both art and science to describe with clarity and precision how people can build better temples. Fabulously Fit Forever is the Zen of Bodybuilding.” – John White, M.A.T.

John White, M.A.T., is a researcher and teacher of higher human development. His writings have appeared in The New York Times, Readers Digest, Omni, and Esquire, and he has written 15 books.