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Frank Zane Blog

Welcome to my blog.  Feel free to visit at your convenience to find out updates to my website and other

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Mr. Olympia 2010

It’s been almost a month since the Mr. Olympia contest in Las Vegas and I’m now back to normal.  Great event, lots

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Day before Thanksgiving

I recently got an email asking about ‘sticking points’ and how to overcome them.  There’s lot you can do but

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How Can I Help You?

On my website is the statement: “Got an interesting bodybuilding question you’d like to ask?  Frank will tell you how

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Best Wishes in 2012

Greetings, Another year is upon us and like everyone else we are planning projects and setting goals for 2012.  I’m

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Building the Body

I’d like to thank all the people who have followed my surgical recovery and wished me well.  It’s is now 7

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The Lifetime Fitness Average

The Lifetime    Fitness Average                      By  Larry Kay                      Bodybuilding contests have been the tried and true

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2011 Arnold Expo

March 4,5,6th are the dates for Arnold Expo at Columbus, Ohio Convention Center this year.  Just found out my booth

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Return from Arnold Expo

Arriving home early Tuesday morning (3 AM due to flight re-routing) I’m sufficiently recovered from the massive expo (close to

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NYC book signing

Greetings, Just finishing up the Spring issue of Building the Body Quarterly and will post when it is ready for

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Tribeca Film Festival

Hi, Returned from Tribeca Film Festival over a week ago where we previewed the film Challenging Impossibility in which I’m

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Building the Body Spring 2011

The Spring 2011 issue of Building the Body just arrived from the printer and we are mailing it out over

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NEW! High Def Body book

Hello, I’ve just finished  my new book High Def Body and it is scheduled to be published in August.  Here’s

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Building the Body Quarterly Summer 2011

  The summer 2011 issue of Building the Body Quarterly will be mailed out shortly.   It contains interesting articles about

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About Facebook

Approximately one month ago I became aware of a Facebook page that had been created in my name by a

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Autumn 2011 issue of Building the Body quarterly

Hi, We have just mailed the Autumn 2011 issue of Building the Body quarterly.  Printed on high gloss paper it

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Building the Body mags on Kindle

We now have 8 issues posted on as Kindle editions, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter issuesof Building the Body

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Building the Body Winter issue

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful new year and your training is going well.  The Winter 2011 issue of

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Arnold Expo 2012

Right in the middle of packing for the 3 day weekend March 2,3,4th at the Arnold Expo at Columbus Convention Center. 

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Building the Body Spring 2012

Greetings! The Spring 2012 issue of Building the Body quarterly arrived last night from our printer and we will be

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Zane Audio Collection

Complete Audio Collection   All of the tracks in my Zane Audio Series are now available through the iTunes and

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Summer 2012 issue of Building the Body

Hello, The Summer 2012 issue of Building the Body Quarterly has arrived and will be mailed over the weekend.  It’s

Read More – 1 Million Likes!

I’d like to congratulate for reaching over one million likes and for continuing to support  healthy and active lifestyles!

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Mr. Olympia 2012

Hello, What is Weighted Linear Resistance (WLR) Training?  Find out and more at the Mr.  Olympia Expo at Las Vegas

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Going to Olympia Expo

Hello, Finishing up packing for the Olympia trade show in Vegas, excitement is building.  Two years ago was my last

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In writing Symmetry I discovered its broader meaning.  I used to think symmetry as it applied to the human body

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Building the Body Autumn 2012 issue

The Autumn 2012 issue of Building the Body Quarterlyhas arrived and is being mailed this week to subscribers.  We call

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The Passing of Sergio

Christine and I are saddened by the passing of Sergio Oliva.  My fondest memory of the ‘Myth’ is the 1967

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Frank in Miami Beach Dec 10th

Hello, I’ll be at the Miami Beach Fillmore in the Jackie Gleason Theater signing my two books High Def Body

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Merry Christmas!

Hello, Christine and I wish all readers of my blog a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  It’s been a

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Building the Body Winter Issue

Greetings, The Winter 2012 edition of Building the Body quarterly is being printed as I write this and we expect

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Going to Arnold Expo

Greetings, Getting ready for Arnold Expo March 1,2,3, at Columbus Ohio Convention Center, looks like lots of people will attend,

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Website update

Greetings, I’m finally back to normal after this years Arnold Expo in Columbus, Ohio.  It was massive, about 200,000 people

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Joe Weider Memorial

Hello, Been so busy since the Weider Memorial on April 14th, first writing a tribute song, and then catching up

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Building the Body Spring 2013 issue

Hello, The Spring 2013 issue of Building the Bodyquarterly will be mailed to subscribers the weekend of My 11th.  Lots

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Training is going great

Hello, Training is going very well, I’m on my way to peaking by Thanksgiving and plan on taking photos then. 

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Protein and Amino Acids

Egg whites have become so popular on the McDonald’s menu that they have created an egg albumen shortage due to

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Building the Body Autumn 2013 issue

Hello, The Autumn 2013 issue of Building the Body quarterly is being mailed the weekend of October 19th.  With interesting

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Happy Holidays!

I am not happy that XYZ Supplement Perfection will no longer be available. The high cost of the many different

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Building the Body – Autumn 2014

Building the Body Autumn 2014 will be mailed the week of September 29th.  If you are tired of reading muscle mags containing

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Surgery and “Build Your Calves”

I’m currently resting and doing well after a shoulder surgery last week and hope to be back up to full

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Thanksgiving Updates

Greetings, It’s been 5 weeks since my rotator cuff surgery and I’m healing well and am able to type one

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Dave Draper featured in Building the Body Winter Issue!

Hot off the press this issue is one of my very favorites because it features a great from the Golden

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Egg White Perfection is Back!

Egg White Perfection is back! Previously on back-order, I’ve got a new fresh batch available for immediate shipping.  Eating better and

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Building the Body: Spring 2015

The Spring 2015 issue of Building the Body Quarterly will be mailing out before the end of March with lots of great

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Muscle & Fitness News

What an honor to be awarded Best Physique Ever by the editors of Muscle & Fitness Magazine.   This acknowledgement

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Upcoming Interview on the Super Strength Show

I’m scheduled to do 45 minute interview tomorrow with The Super Strength Show. Check out this page and this link

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Franks Secret for Developing Your Legs & Calves!

Frank Zane Leg Blaster! Now it is possible to develop your legs without having to endure the discomfort of barbell

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Our lives are shaped by our minds.

“Our lives are shaped by our minds. We become what we think”. The Buddha was right on when he spoke

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How to Get Horseshoe Triceps the Zane Way

The article below will give you my top 3 secrets on building Horseshoe Triceps. Happy Lifting!  FZ Follow the pump

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In the Beginning | How & Why, I Started Bodybuilding

Strange how some things turn out to be certainties.  From the moment I touched a barbell I knew that I’d

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Repetition by Frank Zane

There are three ways that people remember. What’s remembered is enhanced by: What is first presented What is last presented

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The Florida Years 1966 – 1968

I one summer between jobs in Norfolk, Virginia where I took classes in astronomy and geology and trained 6 days

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Get Great Abs

My second training course It’s nice to have a complete waistline, ab and core workout on your reader or tablet,

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Build Your Arms!

  Build Your Arms is a Kindle digital reader download available at . This arm course contains complete instruction

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Frank Zane at Almost 72

For the last couple of months I’ve been training regularly three times a week with Fernandez, doing my new Let’s

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The Growth Program, Then and Now – Frank Zane

The Growth Program, Then and Now – Frank Zane In 2013, I was interviewed about the specific workout plan I

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Build Lower Lats

Build Lower Lats Back development has always been a priority with me.  You can’t see your back because it’s in

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The Importance of Aerobics in Building Muscle Definition

I frequently get asked about how I was able to develop sculpted muscles with such extreme definition.  What I learned

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Training Specialization in Winter by Frank Zane

Winter is the best time to take stock of your physique and ask yourself what needs the most improvement. Start

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Oak & Iron: Frank Zane Talks Training With Arnold

Check out this archive interview with Lara McGlashan to find out what it was like training during the golden era…

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How to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Are you looking to get back in shape and lose a few pounds? Are you looking to gain muscle past

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The Golden Age Of Gains

At 75 years old, Frank Zane still looks impressive, and he’s full of fresh advice gained from a lifetime spent

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What You Say Is What You Get

Your speech can become self-fulfilling prophecy. The truth is we shape our lives, invent our future body by our attitude:

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Do You Need a Personal Trainer?

In the early 1980’s it seemed unusual as I watched one of the guys who worked out at World Gym

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Specialization Training

  Winter is a good time for specialization training. Since I usually cut down on the frequency of my weight

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Training to a rhythm is really entraining to the rhythm. By following the beat of music you happen to be

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Bodybuilder Longevity

  Turning 74 prompts me to wonder how long bodybuilders live? Let’s look at the statistics. I did an internet

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Practicing Safe Sets

You lessen your chance of injury when you practice safe sets. How do you do this? Warm up before sets

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How I Can Help You to Get in the Absolute Best Shape of Your Life!

Over the years I’ve received many questions, most of which are beyond the scope of what I can answer in

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High Tech Meditation

Relaxation is the Key to Muscle Growth. Your body only grows during complete rest. So, if you’re serious about building

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Working out with those who come for a Zane Experience program is what makes our program unique. My goal is

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Frank Zane – Meditation Made Easy

Deep relaxation which leads to recuperation from workouts is the most neglected factor of the bodybuilding equation. Many do not realize

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Bodybuilding in Southern California 1969 – 1971

“What Does it All Mean?” asked Zabo Kozewski thousands of times in his life. Aloud and to himself, it was

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Interview with 3 x Mr Olympia — Frank Zane

Born June 28, 1942 in Pennsylvania, USA, Frank Zane owns one of the greatest, most aesthetic, symmetrical and well-proportioned physiques

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Most inspiring were the champion bodybuilders I met and trained with: Arnold was my original training partner when I moved

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Mr. Universe 1970, 71, 72

Before the Mr. Olympia, the NABBA Mr. Universe in London every September was the most prestigious contest in the world.

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My First Mr. Olympia Competition

My First Mr. Olympia Competition Was in 1972. After losing NABBA Pro Mr. Universe to Bill Pearl in 1971 my

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Training for Mr. Olympia 1975-79

Most of what I learned from my peers was imparted to me over a 20-year period and I’m still contemplating

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Some people think I mean steroids when I use the word supplements, but this is not true. I’m referring to

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1979 My Greatest Mr. Olympia Win

Beginning of September I left for Palm Springs, to spend the final four weeks training, sunbathing, meditating, posing in our

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1980 Mr. Olympia

More has been said and written about this questionable competition than any other Mr. Olympia contest, and if you add

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1980 Mr. Olympia part II

So, pre-judging began with all the comparisons, and I found myself standing next to Arnold, so I said to him

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1982 Mr. Olympia

1982 Mr. Olympia I was and still am a genius in retrospect (isn’t everybody?).  Skipping 1981 and competing in London

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My Final Contest

Blog 11 Article 12

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The Deadlift

The Dead-lift                 “Hey Mom, watch me lift 300 pounds” I yelled from my cellar gym.  Worried I’d hurt myself,

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Soaak 21 Day Motivational Program

Build Your Dream Physique Frank Zane won numerous competitions worldwide. He now teaches you to how train your mind and

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Whadaya Bench?        Big pecs aren’t good for much. Nothing makes the other upper body muscles look smaller and

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The Science of the Perfect Physique at any Age: Mr. Olympia Frank Zane #506

The Science of the Perfect Physique at any Age: Mr. Olympia Frank Zane #506

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If there were a single best way to train it would be with dumbbells. The balancing act they provide during

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Arms Reps

Arm Reps   Here is a question I received: Hi Frank!              I do as you do- train less during

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Blog 19 Secrets to a Small Waistline

Blog 19 small waistline Secrets of a Small WaistlineBy Frank Zane, M.A.3–time Mr. OlympiaJust starting bodybuilding, I remember seeing photos

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Frank talks with Long Shot Leaders, Michael Stein

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How Much Rest Between Sets?

BLOG 20 How Much Rest Between Sets How Much Rest Between Sets?   How long you rest between sets depends

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Blog 21 Let’s Grow

Blog 21 Let’s Grow

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How Much Carbs?

BLOG 22 how much carbs How Much Carbs?             The amount of carbohydrates you eat daily has everything to

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Blog 23 Randomized Routine

Blog 23 randomized routine Randomized Routine A person who is beginning to train with weights can make immediate progress by

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Blog 24 Selective Growth

Blog 24 selective growth

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Blog 25 Lats and Pecs When Getting Older

BLOG 25 Lats and Pecs getting older Expect Pec Work with Age         It’s not about how much

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Blog 26 Do Your Workouts Work?

Blog 26 Do Your Workouts Work Do Your Workouts Work? If they don’t, change them. If they do keep them.

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Frank Zane: Zen & The Art of Bodybuilding Somatic Primer

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Blog 27 My Super-set Favorites

Blog 27 superset favorites A super set consists of two exercises performed one set immediately after the other without rest.

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YouTube Interview with Frank Zane by Ashley Hawksworth


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Mr America Heart – John Heart Interviews Frank Part 1

Mr America Heart

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Mr. America Heart Part 2 Interview with Frank Zane

Part 2 Interview with Mr. America Heart

Mr. America Heart Part 2 Interview with Frank Zane

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Blog 28 Feedback

Blog 28 Feedback

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Blog 29 – Growing Symmetry & Proportion

Blog 29-grow symmetry and proportion Growing Symmetry and Proportion If you are concerned about how you look, then don’t become

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Blog 30 Elbows – Injury Prevention and Healing

Blog 30 Elbows The Elbow Injury prevention and healing You need strong forearms to prevent elbow injuries. I’ll bet if

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Blog 31 – Joy of Training Light

Blog 31 Joy of Training Light The Joy of Training Light   Are you excessively sore from your workouts? Do

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Training with Frank Zane by Spase

You might enjoy this YouTuber.

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Blog 32 Frank Zane Workouts

Blog 10 Article 9 1980 Mr Oly pt 1Blog 32 workouts 4 Workouts from Frank Zane’s Training Diaries pages 66,67,68

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Blog 33 – Specialization

Blog 33 – SPECIALIZATION Specialization                For me, Winter is a season with maintenance as its theme. But the word

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Blog 34 – Symmetry Paradox

Blog 34 Symmetry Paradox The Bodybuilding Symmetry Paradox                Writing Symmetry I discovered its broader meaning. Aside from bilateral symmetry

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ES Fancast

Essentially Sports Podcast March 2024 with Frank Zane

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Blog 35 – My Thoughts on After a Workout, Effort, and Growth

Blog 35 aftermath My Thoughts on After a workout effort and growth

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Joe Metzka’s Journey – Training with Frank

Zane testimonial appendix narrative journal 91 day_ Metzka – CopyZane testimonial_Metzka more photos

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Blog 37 – Knowledge of Results

Blog 37 – Knowledge of Results

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Blog 38 – How to Exercise Successfully

  Adapted from Zane Way to a Beautiful Body by Frank & Christine Zane

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Blog 40 – How to Survive Restaurant Eating


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Blog 41 – Posing and Ego

Blog 41- Posing and Ego

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