Autumn 2011 issue of Building the Body quarterly

We have just mailed the Autumn 2011 issue of Building the Body quarterly. Printed on high gloss paper it has some of the best reproduced photos I’ve seen. Here are the articles:
1. The Workouts Challenge — Complete Frank’s year long program in the Workouts book and win another copy. Learn how.
2. How to Stay Motivated— Some of the ways Frank has used to keep training for over 50 years.
3. Sheer Effort — Almost a century ago psychologist William James wrote about the phenomenon of ‘second wind’. How do you get it?
4. The Aftermath — Here’s what you can expect after a proper workout.
5. How to Grow — Gaining muscular bodyweight requires you work the big bodyparts, especially thighs. The key to growth is squatting but you need to do it sayfely.
6. The Elbow — how to prevent injury and what to do to heal inner or outer elbow injury if it occurs.
7. E mail — Find answers to some of your own questions asked by others.
8. Vita Minz Plus is a new multiple formula supplement rich in anti-oxidants we’ve been using.
9. My Favorite Arm Workouts too place training for 1976 Mr. Olympia. Find out exactly how I did it.
10. Training with Mr. Olympia is the story of the remarkable improvement of Jesse Fernandez in only 8 weeks!
11. Reflections on the Golden Years includes some photos of the crew who trained at the original Golds Gym in the early 70s.
12. Know yourself — How do you think you look? Is it the same as others see you? Learn how different kinds of symmetry reflect self knowledge.
13. Rank Theory is about how depression evolved in society and signs of it in the outcomes of bodybuilding competitions.
14. 2011 Mr. Olympia Impressions — Phil Heath took the title and from what I can tell from the photos he’s the best Mr. O in a while.
15. My Workout — Here’s my exact workout routine as of late.
16. Frankly Speaking about past books and upcoming book on Symmetry.
17. Special Gift Offers for the holidays! Check them out.
We have just e published Amazon Kindle versions of the four 2010 back issues of Building the Bodys, please check it out at
All 2011 back issues are still availabe for $6 each in USA, everywhere else add $3 postage per issue. Watch this site for updates on our e publication of all the back issues of Building the Body as well as upcoming books. My Mind in Bodybuilding is also in Amazon Kindle version.