Building the Body Quarterly Summer 2011

The summer 2011 issue of Building the Body Quarterly will be mailed out shortly. It contains interesting articles about motivation, training and dieting that add insight to training procedures.
Pilgrimage to Aspiration Ground tells of Frank’s and trip and musical performance in New York City.
Challenging Impossibility is a film about the lifting exploits of Sri Chinmoy. Read about the reception at the Tribecca Film Festival.
Repetition is the basis of learning tells about what kind of effect repetition has on your training results.
Is Selective Growth and Fat Reduction Possible? It is to a certain extent. What is the extent?
The Diet for a Lifetime deals with optimum way to take advantage of free form amino acid and protein supplementation to the diet to increase nutrient density.
High Def Body Frank’s newest book is being released September 15th.
Pre-order now and receive a color 8 by 10 autographed photos free!
Steven Langham makes an amazing transformation as he pushes 70 years of age.
The Weider Museum had its grand opening at the University of Texas in Austin. Many bodybuilding notables and strength athletes attended along with Joe and Betty Weider. The event was hosted by Jan and Terry Todd.
Overcoming Ice Cream Addiction and other junk food splurges is possible when you substitute something even tastier in it’s place.
Dangers of Pro Hormone Use — It ain’t safe. Here’s why.
Ernest Dreams about Waking Up in the ongoing saga of the growth of Ernest Eagleheart.
Frankly Speaking about upcoming goals and events.
Building the Body quarterly magazine is Frank’s hard copy 32 page publication written by Frank and other bodybuilding experts. A unique feature is that there is no paid advertising, just information about what Frank has found to work best. It’s $24 a year or two years for $40 (8 issues).