Mr. Olympia 2010

It’s been almost a month since the Mr. Olympia contest in Las Vegas and I’m now back to normal. Great event, lots of people, 45th anniversary of Mr. Olympia contest, and Joe Weider’s 90th birthday. Spent two days at booth 1335, met many people, autographed lots of photos and my new Workouts Book.
All the past Mr. Olympias (except Arnold who was ill) were introduced on stage and I got to hang out backstage and see the competitors up close. It’s amazing to behold the amount of muscle on these guys. Jay Cutler won the title weighing 260 at 5’7″! Phil Heath really impressed me (never saw a back like that before) and I had an intelligent conversation with him. A full report appears in my Autumn 2010 Building the Body Quarterly Magazine which will be mailed shortly.