Building the Body Autumn 2012 issue

The Autumn 2012 issue of Building the Body Quarterlyhas arrived and is being mailed this week to subscribers. We call it the ‘Symmetry’ issue because it’s theme is symmetry and is published at the same time as my new book. Subscriptions are $24 a year in the USA, $26.28 in CA., $30 in Canada and Mexico, and $35 overseas.
Mr Olympia 2012 was held the weekend of Sept 28th. The Olympia Expo ran Friday and Saturday at the Las Vegas Convention center and the Mr. O competition was won again by Phil Heath with Kai Greene a close second.
Serratus & the Pullover – learn how I developed my serratus anterior (where the lats meet the ribcage) to add impressiveness to frontal arms overhead poses. This exercise is the one needed for developing the vacuum pose.
Weighted Linear Resistance Training — Why is it so effective? Because it combines weighted movements with latex bands to increase peak contraction and maximize time under tension. We’ve been getting a great pump on each set combining weights and cables in the same movement.
Time Symmetry What’s that? It says there are no special moments in time, one moment is as good as any other. In terms of bodybuilding the goal for longevity is to adhere to time symmetry as closely as possible throughout one’s life. It’s about staying in the present moment and conserving energy.
Symmetry is Here! My 224 page 300 photo plus book is now available. Order now and received a FREE 8 by 10 inch autographed photo with this insightful book.
Walking Long Distances is something 72 year old Kent Steele does on a regular basis. It keeps him young!
Walking or Running? Both are good but one is easier on your feet, legs, and lower back. Guess which one?
Email: Heart & Sleep Here are ways to calm your self and sleep easy. Why is the heart so important in sleep?
Top & Romanian Deadlift What are they and what are they good for? Who should do them? Master trainer Larry Kay tells all.
A Symmetry Excerpt introduces the goals and methods of symmetry training. You need to know this.
How I trained for competition sez Fernandez about his first competition since the 1980s. Glimpse his remarkable improvement.
Frankly Speaking
Cutting Edge Egg White Protein SHORT SALE until the end of November for Building the Body subscribers.
2013 Zane Experience: sign up by December 31, 2012 for any 2013 program and pay 2012 prices. But you must do it soon.